UML Modeling Guide

Stereotype «OpenAPI3Specification»

Stereotype «OpenAPI3Specification»

Stereotype «OpenAPI3Specification» can be used to mark a component as OpenAPI 3 specification. This element represents the specification document that will be generated by JEAF Generator.

Stereotype «OpenAPI3Specification»  
Applicable Elements Component  
Tagged Values    
Name Type Description
resourceName String Name of the file that will be generated as OpenAPI specification file. By default it will be named as openapi.yml.
apiVersion String Version of the API that is represented by this OpenAPI specification. We strongly recommend to version you API according to the rules of Semantic Versioning.
contactName String Name of the team or person that will be mentioned in your OpenAPI specification as contact.
contactURL String URL of the contact for your OpenAPI specification.
contactEmail String Email of the contact that is mentioned in your OpenAPI specification.
licenseName String Name of the license under which your OpenAPI specification is published e.g. Apache 2.0.
licenseURL String URL under which the used license is available.
termsOfUseURL String URL under which the terms of use are published.
securityOptional Boolean Tagged value can be used to define that the security section of the OpenAPI specification will not be provided.
explicityTypeOrdering Boolean By default types are ordered in an alphabetic order. However, JEAF Generator also supports to define an explicit type ordering in OpenAPI specifications.

This can be enabled using this tagged value. In addition stereotype «Ordered» has to be applied on the elements of the OpenAPI Types that belong to the OpenAPI specification.
explicitPathOrdering Boolean As for types it is also to define an explicit order for paths.

This can be enabled using tagged value. In addition stereotype «Ordered» has to be applied on the REST operations that belong to the OpenAPI specification.

For further information please refer to:

Generated by JEAF Generator