UML Modeling Guide

Stereotype «OAuthFlow»

Stereotype «OAuthFlow»

Stereotype «OAuthFlow» can be used to define the authentication part of an OpenAPI specification.

Stereotype «OAuthFlow»  
Applicable Elements Component  
Tagged Values    
Name Type Description
flowType FlowType OAuth flow type that should be used.

The following types are supported: implicit, password, clientCredentials and authorizationCode
authorizationURL String The authorization URL to be used for a flow. This must be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.
tokenURL String The token URL to be used for a flow. This must be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.
refreshURL String The URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens. This MUST be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.

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