UML Modeling Guide

Stereotype «JEAFDeprecated»

Stereotype «JEAFDeprecated»

Deprecations are markers that indicate that a specific model element should not be used any longer. To do so, you just have to apply the stereotype «JEAFDeprecated» to the model element. This can be anything from a whole class or interface to an parameter of an operation.

Stereotype «JEAFDeprecated»  
Applicable Elements Element  
Tagged Values    
Name Type Description
description String Explanation which the element is deprecated and what should be done as an alternative.
since String Information since when a model element is deprecated e.g. a concrete version or data.
removedWith String Information when the deprecated element will no longer be available e.g. a version or date.
generateBackwardCompatibility Boolean JEAF Generator supports developers ensuring backward compatibility of deprecations on Java and JSON level.

This mechanism has to be activated for each deprecation separately using this flag. In addition the name of the successor property has to be provided using tag successorName.
successorName String Name of the property that should be used instead of this one. Setting this value is only required in case that you want backward compatibility to be generated.

Generated by JEAF Generator