UML Modeling Guide

Stereotype «BreakingChange»

Stereotype «BreakingChange»

Stereotype «BreakingChange» can be used to mark model elements that are a breaking change compared to a previous version.

This is especially useful when you are working with semantic versioning approach. Using this stereotype you can then mark elements that break backward compatibility.

Example: a new request property is introduced and after a transition phase it will be mandatory.

JEAF Generator supports a so called breaking changes report that lists all the breaking changes.

Stereotype «BreakingChange»  
Applicable Elements NamedElement  
Tagged Values    
Name Type Description
description String Description of an upcoming breaking change.
activeWith String Version when a breaking change becomes active.

- A new parameter is introduced for a request. To not immediately break the API at first the parameter is optional. Using this field it can be defined when the parameter will be mandatory.
breakingChangeType BreakingChangeType Type of the breaking change.

Currently the following types of breaking changes are supported:
* DEPRECATION_EXPIRED: some functionality (e.g. an operation or property) will be removed after it was deprecated
* RUNTIME_COMPATIBLE_ONLY: A breaking change occurs only on code level but not at runtime. An example for such cases could be that the responses of a REST service is still backward compatible on a JSON level, but if the new version of generated classes is used then compile errors will occur (e.g. because of moving classes to a different package)
* JOINED_DEPLOYMENT_REQUIRED: Breaking changes of this type require a joined deployment / update of all parts at the same time :unamused:

Generated by JEAF Generator