Maven Plugin Configuration
The following tables describe all possible configuration parameters of the JEAF Generator Maven Plugin. Usage of almost all of them is shown in the example below.
Common Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter | Required / Optional / Default | Description |
modelArtifactGroupID |
Group ID of the artifact that contains the XMI files of the UML model. The UML model can either be defined by pointing to the directory where the XMI files are located directly or by referencing an artifact that contains the XMI files. In case artifact referencing also a dependency to the artifact is required (see example below)The parameters are required in case of artifact referencing. For further details please also refer to Export UML Model from MagicDraw UML |
modelArtifactArtifactID |
Artifact ID of the artifact that contains the XMI files of the UML model. | |
modelArtifactXMIPath |
XMI Path inside the artifact that contains the XMI files of the UML model. | |
xmiDirectory |
Parameter is required in case of directly pointing to XMI files. | Directory which contains all XMI files. The files have to be exported from MagicDraw UML using its Eclipse UML2 Export v2.x |
umlModelFile |
optional | Parameter is optional for case that JEAF Generator only should generate so called message constants. In this case no UML model is required as input. For further details please also refer to Internationalization / Localization Name of the model file that should be used. Usually it has the same name as the MagicDraw UML project. Only the name of the file has to be provided as we assume that the file is located in the XMI directory. |
umlProfileFile |
JMM.profile.uml |
Name of the file that contains the JEAF Meta Model (JMM). Usually the default value JMM.profile.uml can be used. Only the name of the file has to be provided as we assume that the file is located in the XMI directory. |
sourceDirectory |
required in case of code generation from UML models but not for message constants only. | Directory where all files that belong to the src slot will be written to. Files in this directory will not be overwritten. |
sourceGenDirectory |
required | Directory where all files that belong to the src-gen slot will be written to. Content of this directory will be overwritten every time JEAF Generator will be executed. |
resourceDirectory |
required | Directory where all files that belong to the res slot will be written to. Files in this directory will not be overwritten. |
resourceGenDirectory |
required | Directory where all files that belong to the res-gen slot will be written to. Content of this directory will be overwritten every time JEAF Generator will be executed. |
sourceTestDirectory |
optional | Directory where all files that belong to the src-test slot will be written to. Files in this directory will not be overwritten. |
sourceTestGenDirectory |
optional | Directory where all files that belong to the src-test-gen slot will be written to. Content of this directory will be overwritten every time JEAF Generator will be executed. |
resourceTestDirectory |
optional | Directory where all files that belong to the res-test slot will be written to. Files in this directory will not be overwritten. |
resourceTestGenDirectory |
optional | Directory where all files that belong to the res-test-gen slot will be written to. Content of this directory will be overwritten every time JEAF Generator will be executed. |
cleanSourceGen |
optional | Parameter defines if src-gen slot should be cleaned before the generator runs. Cleaning means that all existing files will be deleted. Cleaning src-gen slot is the proposed way to go.By default it is disabled. |
cleanResourceGen |
optional | Parameter defines if res-gen slot should be cleaned before the generator runs. Cleaning means that all existing files will be deleted. Cleaning res-gen slot is the proposed way to go.By default it is disabled. |
umlModelingTool |
Besides MagicDraw UML JEAF Generator also supports Eclipse Papyrus as modeling tool (ECLIPSE_PAPYRUS ). Using this parameter the modeling tool can be configured. |
enterpriseJavaType |
Parameter defines the type of Enterprise Java that should be used for code generation. By default JavaEE (aka JEE) is used. Using this parameter the Enterprise Java type can be configured. For backward compatibility reasons default value is still JavaEE (aka JEE). However, usage of Jakarta EE (JAKARTA_EE ) is strongly recommended. |
customProfileFile |
optional | In addition to standard profile of JEAF Generator it is also possible to add a custom profile that contains your own stereotypes. |
customRootTemplate |
CustomRoot::Root |
Name of the root template for customer specific extensions |
customCheckFiles |
optional | List of custom check files that will be used to run customer specific checks of the UML model. |
customTemplateParameters |
optional | Element can be used to pass parameters to custom templates as key value pairs. The parameters are available for the template as system properties. Example: <customTemplateParameters> <key>value</key> <customTemplateParameters> |
enforceCustomTemplateExecution |
false |
By default custom templates are only executed in case that also default templates are executed. Using this switch is it also possible to only execute custom templates. |
packages |
required in case of code generation from UML models but not for message constants only. | Whitelist of packages for the JEAF Generator. Model elements of all packages that match with the white list will be handled by JEAF Generator. |
ignoredResourceFiles |
optional | List of resource files that should be ignored when generating message constants classes from resource files. |
fileHeaderCompany |
optional | Company information for header of generated files. |
fileHeaderAuthor |
optional | Author information for header of generated files. |
fileHeaderCopyright |
optional | Copyright information for header of generated files. |
fileHeaderVersion |
optional | Version information for header of generated files. |
disableFormatting |
false |
Parameter can be used to disable formatting of generated sources and resources in general. |
disableSourceFormatting |
false |
Parameter can be used to disable formatting of generated sources only. |
disableResourceFormatting |
false |
Parameter can be used to disable formatting of generated resources only. |
javaFormatterStyleFile |
optional | Reference to the file that contains the code style definition for Java code. If it is not defined then the default code style will be used. |
xmlFormatterStyleFile |
optional | Reference to the file that contains the code style definition for XML. If it is not defined then the default code style will be used. |
removeUnusedImports |
true |
Parameter defines if unused imports in generated code should be removed or not. Except for cases when you run into problems there is no reason to disable this feature. This feature can only be enabled if formatting of sources is enabled. |
importGroups |
java., javax., org., com. |
Parameter defines the grouping and sorting of Java import statements. |
staticImportGroups |
java,* |
Parameter defines the grouping and sorting of static Java import statements. |
generateEqualsAndHashCode |
false |
Switch defines if equals() and hashCode() should be generated for all variants of model elements with stereotypes «POJO» and «ServiceObject» . |
generateEqualsAndHashCodeForStandardClasses |
false |
Switch defines if equals() and hashCode() should be generated for “normal“ model elements with stereotypes «POJO» and «ServiceObject» . |
generateEqualsAndHashCodeForCompositeDataTypes |
false |
Switch defines if equals() and hashCode() should be generated for composite data type model elements with stereotypes «POJO» and «ServiceObject» . |
generateEqualsAndHashCodeForOpenAPIDataTypes |
false |
Switch defines if equals() and hashCode() should be generated for «OpenAPIDataType» model elements with stereotypes «POJO» and «ServiceObject» . |
implementCompareableForOpenAPIDataTypes |
false |
Switch defines if java.lang.Comparable should be implemented by classes that are marked as OpenAPIDataTypes. |
generateNotNullAnnotationForSingleValuedProperties |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotNull annotation is generated for setter and getter of single valued properties. |
notNullAnnotationNameForSingleValuedProperties |
optional | Parameter defines the name of the NotNull annotation that should be used for single value properties. |
generateNotEmptyAnnotationForMultiValuedProperties |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotEmpty annotation is generated for setter and getter of multi valued properties. |
notEmptyAnnotationNameForMultiValuedProperties |
optional | |
makePOJOsSerializable |
false |
Switch defines whether POJO’s should be serializable or not. |
generateHeavyExtensibleEnums |
false |
Switch defines if extensible enums should be generated in light-weight or heavy-weight style. By default to so called light-weight style is used where extensible enums will have an additional literal UNKNOWN . |
generateImmutableClasses |
false |
Switch defines whether generated «POJO» and / or «ServiceObject» should be immutable. This switch is set to true then it will overrule settings from the UML model (Flag readonly for properties). |
generateNotNullAnnotationForSingleValuedProperties |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotNull annotation is generated for setter and getter of single valued properties. |
notNullAnnotationNameForSingleValuedProperties |
optional | Parameter defines the name of the NotNull annotation that should be used for single value properties. |
notNullAnnotationNameForSingleValuedProperties |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotEmpty annotation is generated for setter and getter of multivalued properties. |
notEmptyAnnotationNameForMultiValuedProperties |
optional | |
generateValidAnnotationForAssociations |
false |
Switch defines if Java Validation Annotation @Valid will be generated for all references classes with stereotypes «POJO» , «ServiceObject» , «DomainObject» or «PersistentObject» even in cases when it is not defined in the UML model. |
generateValidationAnnotations ForAttributesFromMultiplicity |
false |
Switch defines whether Java Validation Annotations should not only be generated for explicitly modeled annotations but also from multiplicity of modeled attributes. |
generateValidationAnnotations ForAssociationsFromMultiplicity |
false |
Switch defines whether Java Validation Annotations should not only be generated for explicitly modeled annotations but also from multiplicity of modeled associations. |
generateObjectValidationInBuilder |
false |
Switch defines if object validation should be generated in build() operation of the class builder. If it is enabled then the generated code will have a dependency on one of the following artifacts: Spring Boot <dependency> <groupId>com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jeaf-validation-api-spring</artifactId> <version>${1.6.0 or higher}</version> </dependency> JEAF <dependency> <groupId>com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jeaf-validation-api-service-provider</artifactId> <version>${1.6.0 or higher}</version> </dependency> Depending on the implementation of class com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation.api.ValidationExecutor if might still be possible to disable / enable request validation without changing the code. |
generateOfOperation |
false |
Switch defines if an of(...) operation should be generated for «POJO» or «ServiceObject» . This switch does not have any impact on «POJO» or «ServiceObject» that are also modeled as so called «OpenAPIDataType» . Instead please use configured parameter generateValueOfForOpenAPIDataTypes .Which properties will be used for the of(...) operation depends on the settings in UML model and the configured default mode |
generateOfOperationForOpenAPIDataType |
false |
Switch defines if an of(...) operation should be generated for OpenAPI Data Types. This switch does not have any impact on so standard «POJO» / «ServiceObject» . For them no of(...) operation will be generated. Instead please use configured parameter generateOfOperation . |
generateValueOfForOpenAPIDataTypes |
false |
Switch defines whether for the Java representation of OpenAPI Data Types as valueOf(...) method should be generated or not. If this is required depends on the framework that is used for your REST implementation. Currently (Spring Boot 2.7.* and Jersey 2.35 ) it is only required in case of Jersey. Default Spring Boot REST implementation does not require that. |
generateBuilderWithAllMandatoryFields |
false |
Switch enables that JEAF Generator generates a builder(...) method that directly contains all mandatory fields. |
javaGenericSoftLinkType |
When working with soft links in your UML model then you can define there that a custom generic type should be used for the soft link. The concrete java type (its fully qualified class name) that should be used can be defined through this parameter. | |
softLinkSuffix |
When working with soft links it might be a requirement to append a suffix to the name of a property from the UML model. This can be done using this configuration parameter. | |
useSoftLinkSuffixInJava |
true |
Switch can be used to define if a soft link suffix should be used when for generated Java code. |
useSoftLinkSuffixInOpenAPI |
true |
Switch can be used to define if a soft link suffix should be used in OpenAPI. |
generatePublicSettersForAssociations |
false |
Switch defines whether the generated set methods for one-to-many associations should be public or not. |
generateNullChecksForToOneAssociations |
false |
Switch defines whether the generated set methods for to-one associations has checks for null values of parameters. |
useArraysOnlyForPrimitives |
false |
Switch defines if arrays should only be generated for primitive types. By default arrays are generated for every type if it is modeled as property and not as association. |
disableSaveCopyOfCollectionsInBuilders |
false |
Switch can be used to disable generation of save copy of collections inside builders. By default, in builders there collections will be copied to strictly ensure that internal data structures of an object can not be edited from outside. However, this behavior also leads to additional garbage. Using this switch it is possible to disable the save copy mechanism for collections inside setters for collections. |
disableImmutabilityOfCollections |
false |
Switch defines whether generated methods dealing with any kind of collections must ensure that the internal state of an object can not be modified by accident. This will lead to get method that make use of Collections.unmodifiableCollection(...) . Builders that receive a collection as input will copy their content. This is the default behavior of JEAF Generator. If this parameter is set to true then this means that collections returned from a get method may also be modified from the outside. |
disableImmutabilityOfArrays |
false |
Switch defines whether generated methods dealing with arrays must ensure that the internal state of an object can not be modified by accident. This will lead to System.arraycopy(...) in get methods. Builders that receive an array as input will copy their content. This is the default behavior of JEAF Generator. If this parameter is set to true then this means that arrays return from get method can directly be modified and this will also impact the state of the object were the array belongs to. |
disableImmutabilityOfBinaryData |
false |
Switch defines whether generated methods dealing with byte arrays must ensure that the internal state of an object can not be modified by accident. This will lead to System.arraycopy(...) in get methods. Builders that receive an array as input will copy their content. This is the default behavior of JEAF Generator. If this parameter is set to true then this means that arrays return from get method can directly be modified and this will also impact the state of the object were the array belongs to. |
generatePublicObjectView |
false |
Switch defines if only the public view of POJO’s or ServiceObjects should be generated. This will lead to generated classes where some internal structures of a POJO / ServiceObject will be hidden to the outside world. |
enableDetailedToStringMethod |
false |
Switch defines if a detailed toString() method should be generated for POJOs, ServiceObjects and DomainObjects. “Detailed” here means that besides the attributes of an class also references to other objects and arrays with be present in result of toString() . |
enableSemVerForJSON |
true |
Parameter defines if generated code for JSON serialization / deserialization should be SemVer compliant, which is strongly recommend. If parameter is set to true then generated code will ignore unknown properties in read JSON and just ignore them. |
generateJAXRSAnnotations |
false |
Parameter defines if JAX-RS annotations for service objects or POJOs should be generated. If the parameter is set to true then the generated code will make us of JAX-RS annotations. This means that your project also needs to define a dependency to a JAR containing them (e.g. JavaEE API) |
generateJacksonAnnotations |
false |
Parameter defines if Jackson annotations for service objects or POJOs should be generated. If the parameter is set to true then the generated code will make us of Jackson annotations. Jacksons annotations are required if you want to make use of Jackson JSON serialization. This means that your project also needs to define a dependency to a JAR containing them (e.g. Jackson Databind) |
generateJSONAutoDetectAnnotationOnClass |
false |
Parameter is used to generate @JsonAutoDetect annotation directly on generated classes. This annotation is required for proper JSON serialization of POJOs and ServiceObjects. However, by default it is assumed that this configuration is done on the Jackson ObjectMapperFactory . If you prefer to have it directly on the generated classes for whatever reason then you need to set this parameter to true .This switch only is active in combination with generateJacksonAnnotations . |
suppressWarnings |
Parameter can be used to define a list of warning that should be suppressed in the generated code. This will lead to annotation @SuppressWarnings for the defined warnings |
suppressAllWarnings |
false |
Parameter can be used to suppress all warnings in generated code @SuppressWarnings("all") . It’s strongly recommended to not use this feature ;-) |
breakBuildOnGeneratorError |
true |
Switch defines if errors during code generation should break the build. This feature is mainly intended for test purposes of JEAF Generator itself. |
addGeneratedAnnotation |
false |
Parameter can be used to add @Generated annotation to generated code. |
addGenerationTimestamp |
false |
Parameter can be used to also add timestamp of code generation to the @Generated annotation. Parameter is only relevant if addGeneratorAnnotation is set to true . |
generationComment |
Parameter can be used to also add the defined comment of code generation to the @Generated annotation. Parameter is only relevant if addGeneratorAnnotation is set to true . |
targetRuntime |
Parameter can be used to define the target runtime environment for which code should be generated. Currently JEAF, Spring and Java are supported. Valid values are : JEAF , SPRING , JAVA |
restLibrary |
REST Library that is the target for code generation. Depending on the target runtime either JAX-RS (Java and JEAF) or Spring Web MVC (Spring) is used as default. Supported values are: JAX_RS , SPRING_WEB_MVC |
Configuration Parameters for Services / REST Resources
Configuration Parameter | Required / Optional / Default | Description |
generateServiceObjects |
false |
Switch defines whether service objects should be generated or not. |
generateServiceInterfaces |
false |
Switch defines whether service interfaces should be generated or not. |
generateReactiveServiceInterfaces |
false |
Switch can be used to generate reactive service interfaces. Please be aware that generated code will have dependency on library Reactor Code . <dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-core</reactor-core> <dependency> |
generateServiceProxies |
false |
Switch defines whether service proxies should be generated or not. |
generateReactiveRESTResources |
false |
Switch can be used to generate reactive Spring REST Controllers. Please be aware that generated code will have dependency on library Reactor Code . <dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-core</reactor-core> <dependency> |
generateRESTResources |
false |
Switch defines whether REST resources should be generated or not. |
generateSecurityAnnotation |
false |
Switch defines if target runtime specific security annotations (e.g. @RolesAllowed from JSR-250 or @PreAuthorize from Spring Security) should be generated or not. |
defaultSecurityRoleName |
optional | Parameter can be used to define a default security role. If defined this default security role will be used whenever no explicit role is defined for an operation / REST resource. |
useDeprecatedSpringSecuredAnnotation |
false |
Switch defines if in case of Spring deprecated @Secured annotation should be used instead of recommended @PreAuthorize . |
generateRESTRequestValidation |
false |
Switch defines if request validation for REST Resources / Controllers or REST Clients (aka REST Service Proxies) should be generated. If it is enabled then the generated code will have a dependency on one of the following artifacts: Spring Boot: <dependency> <groupId>com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jeaf-validation-api-spring</artifactId> <version>${1.6.0 or higher}</version> </dependency> JEAF: <dependency> <groupId>com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jeaf-validation-api-service-provider</artifactId> <version>${1.6.0 or higher}</version> </dependency> Depending on the implementation of class com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation.api.ValidationExecutor if might still be possible to disable / enable request validation without changing the code. |
generateRESTResponseValidation |
false |
Switch defines if response validation for REST Resources / Controllers or REST Clients (aka REST Service Proxies) should be generated. If it is enabled then the generated code will have a dependency on one of the following artifacts: Spring Boot: <dependency> <groupId>com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jeaf-validation-api-spring</artifactId> <version>${1.6.0 or higher}</version> </dependency> JEAF: <dependency> <groupId>com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation</groupId> <artifactId>jeaf-validation-api-service-provider</artifactId> <version>${1.6.0 or higher}</version> </dependency> Depending on the implementation of class com.anaptecs.jeaf.validation.api.ValidationExecutor if might still be possible to disable / enable request validation without changing the code. |
generateNotNullAnnotationForSingleValuedServiceParameters |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotNull annotation is generated for service operations. |
notNullAnnotationNameForSingleValuedServiceParameters |
optional | Parameter defines the name of the NotNull annotation that should be used for for service operations. |
generateNotEmptyAnnotationForMultiValuedServiceParameters |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotEmpty annotation is generated for service operations. |
notEmptyAnnotationNameForMultiValuedServiceParameters |
optional | Parameter defines the name of the NotEmpty annotation that should be used for service operations. |
generateNotNullAnnotationForSingleValuedRESTParameters |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotEmpty annotation is generated for REST resources. |
notNullAnnotationNameForSingleValuedRESTParameters |
optional | Parameter defines the name of the NotEmpty annotation that should be used for REST resources. |
generateNotEmptyAnnotationForMultiValuedRESTParameters |
false |
Switch can be used to enable that NotEmpty annotation is generated for for REST resources. |
notEmptyAnnotationNameForMultiValuedRESTParameters |
optional | Parameter defines the name of the NotEmpty annotation that should be used for REST resources. |
suppressTechnicalHeaders |
false |
Switch can be used to suppress technical http headers in generated Java code. |
filterCustomHeaders |
true |
Switch defines whether custom headers of a REST resource should be filtered or not. Default is true . If custom header filtering is defined then a has to be provided via configuration. It’s strongly recommended to not use custom headers at all. However, if needed then at least they should be filtered. |
restPathPrefix |
optional | Parameter defines the prefix that should be used for REST paths of generated REST resources / controllers. The value provided here will be used as prefix. To be a valid path it has to start with '/' and must not end with '/' . |
generateRESTServiceProxies |
false |
Switch defines whether REST service proxies should be generated or not. |
generateReactiveRESTServiceProxies |
false |
Switch defines whether reactive REST service proxies should be generated or not. Please be aware that generated code will have dependency on library Reactor Code . <dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-core</reactor-core> <dependency> |
generateRESTServiceProxyConfigFile |
false |
Switch defines whether a default config file for REST service proxies should be generated or not. |
restDefaultSuccessStatusCode |
200 |
Parameter can be used to define the default http status code that should be used when REST requests are successful. By default 200 (“OK”) is used. This value will only be used if there is no explicit status code defined on the «RESTOperation» . |
restDefaultVoidStatusCode |
204 |
Parameter can be used to define the default http status code that should be used when REST requests are successful for operations with return type void. By default 204 (NO_CONTENT ) is used. This value will only be used if there is no explicit status code defined on the «RESTOperation» . |
generateExceptionClasses |
false |
Switch defines whether exception classes should be generated or not. |
generateJUnitTests |
false |
Switch defines whether a JUnit test case for every service should be generated or not. |
Configuration Parameters for OpenAPI
Configuration Parameter | Required / Optional / Default | Description |
generateOpenAPISpec |
false |
Switch defines whether an OpenAPI specification should be generated or not. |
validateOpenAPISpec |
false |
Switch defines if a generated OpenAPI specification should be validated. |
disableOpenAPIDependencyChecks |
false |
By default JEAF Generator runs a dependency check for OpenAPI specifications to ensure that all types that are referenced from another OpenAPI spec can be resolved. If you want to disable these checks for whatever reason you can set this switch to true . |
openAPIVersion |
OPEN_API_3_1 |
Parameter defines which OpenAPI version is used when generating OpenAPI specifications. As there are breaking changes between OpenAPI 3.0 and 3.1 unfortunately it is required to define that as part of the Maven build. Depending on the OpenAPI version different checks on the model have to be applied. Breaking changes between OpenAPI 3.0 and 3.1 are described here: Migrating from OpenAPI 3.0 to 3.1.0 |
openAPISpecReferenceDefaultLocation |
Parameter can be used to define a default path for the location of OpenAPI specification in case that they are referenced from another OpenAPI spec. Settings this parameter is equivalent to setting OpenAPISpecReference.location . Default location will only be used in case that nothing is defined in the UML model explicitly. |
enableYAML11Compatibility |
false |
Switch defines whether YAML 1.1 compatibility mode for OpenAPI should be enabled. In YAML 1.1 there is a big difference compared to YAML 1.2 when it comes to boolean values. In YAML 1.1 besides true and false also yes , no , y , n , on and off are treated as boolean values. This might lead to ugly situations when tools or applications are still working with YAML 1.1 based parsers. To prevent such trouble it is possible to tell JEAF generator that in such cases these values should be quoted. For further details also see: Stackoverflow - YAML 1.1 |
openAPICommentStyle |
\| |
Configuration parameter allows to define the YAML multi line comment style that is used within the generated OpenAPI specification. For further information about the various options please refer to: By default \| is used which means that new lines will be kept and that there will be a single new line at the end of each comment. |
openAPIContactName |
false |
Configuration parameter can be used to define the OpenAPI contact name. The provided value will only be used if none is explicitly defined in the UML model. |
openAPIContactURL |
false |
Configuration parameter can be used to define the OpenAPI contact URL. The provided value will only be used if none is explicitly defined in the UML model. |
openAPIContactEmail |
false |
Configuration parameter can be used to define the OpenAPI contact email. The provided value will only be used if none is explicitly defined in the UML model. |
openAPILicenseName |
false |
Configuration parameter can be used to define the OpenAPI license name. The provided value will only be used if none is explicitly defined in the UML model. |
openAPILicenseURL |
false |
Configuration parameter can be used to define the OpenAPI license URL. The provided value will only be used if none is explicitly defined in the UML model. |
openAPITermsOfUseURL |
false |
Configuration parameter can be used to define the OpenAPI terms of use URL. The provided value will only be used if none is explicitly defined in the UML model. |
suppressNotRequiredNullableInOpenAPISpec |
false |
Parameter can be used to suppress nullable information in generated OpenAPI specs if it is not required (nullable = true is default).This parameter only is applicable in combination with OpenAPI 3.0. Starting from OpenAPI 3.1 nullable is no longer allowed. |
addIgnoredHeadersToOpenAPISpec |
false |
OpenAPI standard defines that for whatever reason some header fields should not be mentioned in the OpenAPI specification e.g. Authorization header. However from an overall perspective it still might make sense to explicitly show the for better documentation purposes. This can be done by setting this property to true . For further details also see: OpenAPI Spec - Parameter Object |
openAPIGenericSoftLinkType |
When working with soft links in your UML model then you can define there that a custom generic type should be used for the soft link. The concrete OpenAPI type that should be used can be defined through this parameter. In case that the parameter is not defined then it is assumed that the softlink is a string type in OpenAPI. In case that the type is defined within the same OpenAPI spec then local naming should be used. If type is defined within another OpenAPI spec the standard naming for external types should be used. | |
suppressClassNameCommentInOpenAPISpec |
Parameter can be used to suppress link to model element in generated OpenAPI specification. By default fully qualified name of the type is added as comment above the type definition. |
Configuration for Model Reports
Configuration Parameter | Required / Optional / Default | Description |
generateTypesReport |
false |
Switch enables the generation of a model types report about the model parts which are configured to be processed. The types report is based an model elements that are tagged with the configured stereotypes (see configuration parameter typesReportStereotypes ). |
generateModelReport |
false |
Switch enables the generation of a detailed model report. A model report contains detailed information about all model elements. There will be one file per package. |
typesReportStereotypes |
required in case that a types report should be generated | Name of the stereotypes that should be considered when creating types report. Multiple stereotypes have to be separated using ; . |
typesReportName |
Model Types |
Title of the types report. |
typesReportFileName |
Model_Types |
Name of the file that contains the types report. The file extension will be chosen based on the report format. |
typesReportShowAlias |
false |
Switch defines if within the types report also a row for alias names should be added. |
typesReportAliasRowName |
Alias |
Switch defines the name of the alias row. |
typesReportShowPackage |
false |
Switch defines if for types report also the package of every type should be shown. |
typesReportShowProperties |
false |
Switch defines if for types report also properties of every type should be added. |
typesReportGroupByPackage |
false |
Switch defines if for types report content should be grouped by package. |
generateBreakingChangesReport |
false |
Switch enables the generation of a breaking changes report about the model parts which are configured to be processed. Breaking changes report is based an model elements that are tagged with stereotype «BreakingChange» . |
breakingChangesReportName |
Planned Breaking Changes |
Title of the breaking changes report. |
breakingChangesReportFileName |
Breaking_Changes |
Name of the file that contains the breaking changes report. The file extension will be chosen based on the report format. |
generateRESTDeprecationReport |
false |
Switch enables the generation of a REST / OpenAPI deprecation report about the model parts which are configured to be processed. |
restDeprecationReportName |
REST Deprecation Report |
Title of the REST deprecation report. |
restDeprecationReportFileName |
REST_Deprecation_Report |
Name of the file that contains the REST deprecation report. The file extension will be chosen based on the report format. |
generateJavaDeprecationReport |
false |
Switch enables the generation of a Java deprecation report about the model parts which are configured to be processed. |
javaDeprecationReportName |
Java Deprecation Report |
Title of the Java deprecation report. |
javaDeprecationReportFileName |
Java_Deprecation_Report |
Name of the file that contains the Java deprecation report. The file extension will be chosen based on the report format. |
deprecationReportFormat |
Parameter defines the format of the deprecation report. Currently only MARKDOWN is supported. |
generateSecurityRolesReport |
false |
Switch enables the generation of a security roles report about the model parts which are configured to be processed. |
securityRolesReportName |
Security Roles Report |
Title of the security roles report. |
securityRolesReportFileName |
Security_Roles_Report |
Name of the file that contains the security roles report. The file extension will be chosen based on the report format. |
securityRolesReportFormat |
Parameter defines the format of the security roles report. Currently only MARKDOWN is supported. |
listUnsecuredRESTEndpoints |
false |
Parameter can be used to add information about unsecured REST endpoints to the security report. As this is a rather sensitive information this has to be enabled explicitly. |
Configuration Parameters for JEAF Components and their Implementations
Configuration Parameter | Required / Optional / Default | Description |
generatePersistentObjects |
false |
Switch defines whether persistent objects should be generated or not. |
peristentObjectsOIDRowName |
optional Default: OID |
Name of the row within which the object ID (primary key) will be stored. If the property is not set OID will be used as default. |
peristentObjectsVersionLabelRowName |
optional Default: VERSION |
Name of the row within which the version label of the object will be stored. The version label is used to determine optimistic lock conflicts. |
generatePOJOs |
false |
Switch defines whether POJOs should be generated or not. |
generateDomainObjects |
false |
Switch defines whether domain objects should be generated or not. |
generateComponentImpls |
false |
Switch defines whether component implementation classes should be generated or not e.g. service and port implementations and their bases classes. |
generateComponentRuntimeClasses |
false |
Switch defines whether component runtime classes should be generated or not e.g. components, component configurations, component factories and service factories. |
generateObjectMappers |
false |
Switch defines whether object mappers should be generated or not. |
generateServiceProviderInterfaces |
false |
Switch defines whether service provider interfaces should be generated or not. |
generateServiceProviderImpls |
false |
Switch defines whether service provider implementations should be generated or not. |
generateActivityInterfaces |
false |
Switch defines whether activity interfaces should be generated or not. |
generateActivityImpls |
false |
Switch defines whether activity implementations should be generated or not. |
Further Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter | Required / Optional / Default | Description |
generateGlobalParts |
false |
Switch defines whether global parts should be generated or not. |
generateCustomConstraints |
false |
Switch defines whether custom constraints should be generated. |
generateMessageConstants |
false |
Switch defines whether a message constants should be generated from resource files or not. Resource files are expected to be located in slot res . |